N2D Contacts Database allows the administrator to easily add, edit, delete, sort, and search the contacts data from the browser.

This program is freeware. You may distribute it freely.

System requirements
An ASP-enable web server such as IIS ( Windows NT/2000/XP ) / Personal Web Server ( Windows 95/98/Me ) is necessary to run the scripts. The scripts store the data in the Microsoft Access format but you do not need Microsoft Access installed on your server.


Installing N2D Contacts Database
After unzipping the zip file, find the folder named "SX" and copy it on to your web server. The installation is done!

NOTE : You may rename "SX" to any folder name you want.


The folder, "SX" needs all permissions ( Read / Write / Delete / Execute ) to run properly. If the folder does not have all permissions, you may encounter some of the following errors.

Error 1 : The scripts do not run at all.

Assign the "Execute" permission to the folder, "SX" or move the folder, "SX" into a folder that has the "Execute" permission.

Error 2 : You can not read from or write to the Access database.

Relocate the Access database file ( /SX/Database.mdb ) to a folder that has the "Read/Write/Delete" permission. For more information about relocating the database file, see To relocate/rename the database

Error 3 : The images ( .gif /. jpg ) do not appear on the browser.

Relocate the image folder( /SX/Images ) to a folder that has the "Read" permission. For more information about relocating the image folder, see To relocate the image folder

Running N2D Contacts Database
Open this page ( /SX/ReadMe.htm ) as an Internet web page ( Not as a local web page! Make sure the address on your browser starts with "http://...", not like "c:\..." ) on your browser.

Click LogIn Page to log in N2D Contacts Database. Type "password" in the password box and click Enter.

To keep your database secure
You might want to relocate/rename the Access database file for security reasons. For more information about renaming the Access database file, see To relocate/rename the database

Also, you might want to set a password on the Access database file. For more information about setting a password on the Access database file, see To set a password on the Access database file

To relocate/rename the database
By default, the path of the Access database is "/SX/Database.mdb". If you move and/or rename the database, you need to modify the configuration file located at "/SX/Config.inc".

Open the file, "/SX/Config.inc" in a text editor such as Notepad and find the following line in the file.

Const STR_DEFDB_MDBPATH="Database.mdb"

Suppose you renamed and placed the database at the path, "C:\MyDB.mdb", change the line to :


It also accepts a relative path. For example,


To relocate the image folder
By default, the path of the image folder is "/SX/Images". If you move the image folder, you need to modify the configuration file, "/SX/Config.inc".

Open the file, "/SX/Config.inc" in a text editor such as Notepad and find the following line in the file.

Const PATH_IMAGES="Images/"

It accepts a relative path only such as

Const PATH_IMAGES="../Images/"


To set a password on the Access database file
By default, no password was set on the Access database file. If you set a password on the Access database file, you need to modify the configuration file, "/SX/Config.inc".

Open the file, "/SX/Config.inc" in a text editor such as Notepad and find the following line in the file.


Suppose you set the password, "mypass" on the Access database file then change the line to :



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