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Another version of my horizontal flyout technique.

This time there is only one sub level and the flyout is in a horizontal line.

Because the flyout is over an image I have selected to use a semi transparent background so that the image shows through.

This works in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera.

The semi-transparency is done using a background png image for Firefox and Opera 9 (which supports png transparency) and IE's own transparency filter.

Because the IE filter is held in a css loaded using conditional comments this is invisible to the w3c validator.

Cascading Style Sheet

Because a lot of visitors are having trouble with the conditional comments and the cascading style sheets for this menu I have now removed the CSS to separate files and now show how to load these into the page.

If you look at the header of this page you will see that the normal method of loading a file is used for the non-ie browser css.

<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="css/flyout_h.css" />

The flyout_h.css file

The IE only style sheet is loaded using the conditional comment.

<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="css/flyout_h_ie.css" />

The flyout_h_ie.css file

The xhtml

The xhtml code for the flyout menu can be seen here in text format.

You will see that conditional comments have been used to hold the IE specific version of the menu which used nested tables. The other browsers will not see the tables and instead will use the normal unordered lists.

Please note that you will also need a standards compliant !doctype for this menu to work correctly.


Because of all the time and effort spent in producing this demonstration I would ask that you respect my copyright.

1. If you are using this on a personal web site then please add a link back to CSSplay and retain any copyright comment in the stylesheet.
A donation to the 'Support CSSplay' fund would be appreciated.

2. If you are using this on a commercial web site, or as a paying job for a client, then please email me asking for permission - stu{at} and in this case a donation to the 'Support CSSplay' fund is required.

3. If you are having problems integrating any of my demonstrations into your website then I now offer a service to fault find and correct any errors that you may have introduced. Please email me for more information.

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"The web site uses
CSS Play code for the site drop down menus.
This code works seamlessly in IE 6 & 7, and is an excellent solution to the Creative requirements of the site."

Damon Clark - Brandwidth

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